Thursday, December 6, 2018

Authorisation for Audible files on iTunes redirecting to different geographical account

It was little weird when I tried to Authorise my iTunes account (Country of Origin Australia) to play Audible files from a US account ( and ended up in UK account ( where I don't have any books available in the library. I know it's little weird to have an US account while country of origin is Australia. 

Well, I do have an Aus account as well but bought some books from US account as I didn't notice the URL redirection to US account when I bought those. However, authorisation was taking me to a new geographical region which doesn't make any sense at all. As the audible file I have downloaded is from my US account, I can't play it in iTunes Authorising from UK account. 

How to deal with this? As usual, figured out googling and thought to share here in my blog.

Below is the URL generated when I tried to authorise iTunes, which technically wont help me to play the audio file which I want to and hence I need to find a way to get my iTunes linked to my US account.


1. Download the audible file logging into your valid account ( in my case it was
2. Double click the file, which will try to open in iTunes and popup message appear for authorising the account
3. Proceeding further took me the UK link above
4. Copied the link to a text editor
5. Updated URL as below by replacing the domain and hit the URL
6. Logged in successfully
7. Could see books in my Library and authorised iTunes
8. Successfully played the file on my iTunes!!

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